The film takes you on a journey through Dehradun Zoo showcasing its flora, fauna, and the people behind it. Relish the film's sights and sounds as it immerses you in the beauty of Dehradun Zoo and everything that makes it special. This a Hindi language film made for children. The film is made by Nature Science Initiative (NSI) with support from Uttarakhand Forest Department and Dehradun Zoo. The film has been funded by Janaki Devi Bajaj Gram Vikas Sanstha (JBGVS).
The film takes you through the health risks and threats that garbage dumps and improperly disposed trash poses to both humans and animals. Set in the state of Uttarakhand, the film takes the viewer through the challenges posed by garbage such as human wildlife conflict as well as solutions to mitigate the problem. The film also provides a glimpse on how plastic ingestion by animals has become a pressing problem putting innumerable terrestrial animals at risk. This is a Hindi language film produced by Nature Science Initiative (NSI)and founded by Janaki Devi Bajaj Gram Vikas Sanstha (JBGVS).