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2.03 : Plastics and Animals

The activities are arranged sequentially .To access this activity, please download the previous activity.

This is the third activity in the Garbology theme activity series.

Plastic ingestion by animals is an ever-growing problem and is a result of food waste being mixed with other types of wastes. One can spot many animals coming to garbage dumps for food.

The objective of the game is to make students enact the different animals that come to feed at a garbage dump.

Equipment : plastic bags, food (like roti, fruit etc.), a fork or a pair of tongs.

Group size : 4-20

Location : Anywhere

Key terms : Plastic ingestion by animals

"There is no such thing as away. When you throw something away, it must go somewhere." ~ Annie Leonard

This activity is a part of the Environment Education Program. To access the full activity, please register via the home page here.


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